iHerb daily deals 07-21 08:10 update July 2016 iherb coupon code JWH658

Daily Deals JWH658 525 views

2016 iherb coupon code:JWH658(verified & available),save money up to $10

2016 iherb promo code:JWH658(verified & available),save money up to $10

2016 iherb discount code:JWH658(verified & available),save money up to $10

California Gold Nutrition, CoQ10, 100 mg, 30 Veggie Softgels


Lastest buyer comments about the product:

This was the first CoQ10 I tried. I bought the trial size after reading about how it was used in trials for controlling migraines. I was amazed that after only a few days of taking 100 mg twice a day I felt so much more alert and not tired like I normally am. I used to feel like I was in a haze all day but especially in the evening, and I could barely stay awake after about 9:00 PM. While I was taking this CoQ10, I was pleasantly surprised that I had none of that brain fog and was shocked to be awake, alert, and not at all fatigued even at 10:00 PM! I was still able to sleep just fine at night, but I didn’t have the bone-deep weariness throughout the day. It was almost a side benefit that my daily headaches were gone too!

Since this was my first try at CoQ10, I tried another brand, but while I found I had some relief and some of the tiredness was gone, I didn’t have quite the same results as with the California Gold Nutrition CoQ10. I was getting some headaches a few times a week and felt just somewhat less tired than without it. I did a little research, and it turns out that the highly-touted ubiquinol form is actually unstable and by the time it reaches the shelf, most of its benefit is gone. This form (ubiquinone) is stable, and the body can and does turn it into ubiquinol as needed and back if needed. No wonder I had better results with California Gold! I’ve learned my lesson, and I am never going to stray again.

Plenty of benefits are associated with CoQ10. It is mainly known for its anti-oxidant properties as well as an energy booster. The last point is actually something you are able to feel with your body, hence also improving your quality of life! A little bit about CoQ10. It is a substance that is produced by the body. As we age, our ability to produce CoQ10 drastically decrease. Although CoQ10 can be found in animal products(mostly organ meat), we would not be getting enough without eating tons of those. This is where supplements come into play. CoQ10 is absolutely necessary for anyone on statin(cholesterol medication). Statin hinders the body’s production of CoQ10. Side effect of the lowered CoQ10 level includes muscle aches and fatigues. There are virtually not side effects in taking CoQ10. It is something which I take on a daily basis and would recommend wholeheartedly.


I’m not so young any more, and Q10 is necessary – and it should be naturally fermented, as this
pruduct is. Less tahan 100 mg is not enough.

Good quality CoQ10, easy to swallow…

I did not hurry to write my review, i am using this product since 3 months now.
I am diabetic and feeling tired was part of my life, really i’m very surprised against its result. Good bye tired, i call it (the life elixir).
I take 200mg/ day with meal that is very important to secure the absorption.
Strongly recommended.

Edullinen ubikinoni .

Great product.

Good value small tablet size.

Natural energy enhancer

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