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iherb review |St. Dalfour, Organic, Golden Mango Green Tea, 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)

  • Expiration Date:

    May 2018

  • Shipping Weight:

    0.52 lbs (0.24 kg)

  • Product Code: STD-96944
  • UPC Code: 084380969447
  • Package Quantity: 25 Envelopes, 1.75 oz (50 g)
  • Dimensions: 5.2 x 3.5 x 2.9 in, 0.25 lbs (0.11 kg)


  • Premium
  • Individually Sealed in Envelopes
  • LK-Bio-143 Agriculture Non EU
  • Control IMO
  • OTCO- Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
  • All Natural Ingredients

Certified, Organic Green Tea. Selected and blended under the direction of tea experts of St. Dalfour France. Enhanced by the all natural flavor of mangoes.

St. Dalfour Organic Tea

The St. Dalfour tea experts have searched the best tea producing areas in the world. After careful screening, they have selected pristine tea gardens. No preservatives or chemicals are used. In these gardens master planters nurture tea bushes with natural organic biomass and loving care. Only these tea gardens are used for St. Dalfour Green Tea.

Since tea is made directly from tea leaves plucked on a continuous basis during harvest (and these tea leaves are not washed), it is vitally important to make certain these leaves are free of any chemicals. Be confident of having pure, wholesome tea when buying St. Dalfour; the finest tea in the world.

Each tea bag is individually sealed to preserve freshness and flavor.

St. Dalfour Tea- Healthy Packaging

  1. Each tea bag is individually sealed in an envelope to preserve its fresh, natural flavor.
  2. The tea bags are made with eco-friendly paper. No chemicals (which would alter the taste of the rea) touch the tea bag.
  3. The tea bag is attached to the tag by a pure, sanitized string without the use of metal staples. Thus, no metallic taste is found in the tea.
  4. The tea is packaged in an air controlled, immaculate chamber which prevents any impurities from affecting the taste of the tea.

Suggested Use


Tear envelope at serrated line. Remove tea bag. Gently pull the tag on the bag to extend the string. (This format eliminates the need for a staple.)

Proper Service of Green Tea

Green Tea is delicate. After boiling water, let it cool slightly before pouring on the tea bag to maintain the delicate taste.

Do not “Stew” the tea which means do not let the tea bag sit too long in the tea cup because this will bring out the bitter qualities in the tea.

These are the recommended times for the tea bag to be immersed:

Standard – 1 minute

Strong – 2 minutes

Other Ingredients

100% Certified organic green tea enhanced by the all natural flavor of mangoes.


Store in a cool, dry place. Keep way from direct heat, sunlight and from humidity.

Customer reviews about the product:

My absolute favorite tea! The best tasting green-tea ever.
Rly sweet, I hope repeat and repeat. The most fantastic is the price.
This is one of my favorite teas. I love the smell and the taste. The combination with mango is fantastic. You should tried it.
This tea tastes great. Very mild mango taste.
This is my favourite green tea flavour, it contains natural flavor of mangoes, pure delish! It’s organic and full of beneficial antioxidants.
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Bright taste of mango. Taste of mango prevails over taste of tea. Яркий вкус манго. Вкус манго преобладает над вкусом чая. Девушкам особенно нравится.
I am an avid green tea drinker and prefer to use the plain leaves. I have purchased green tea leaves form around the world including China and Japan (where it is most popular). But it is a sensitive tea leaf and can easily become bitter if “stewed” in hot water. So you have to be careful how you prepare green tea – the water cannot be too hot nor can you steep it for too long. Preparing green tea is a fine and delicate art. Alas, I still drink green tea for its many health benefits including the fact that it is a diuretic and helps expel water. This variety of green tea is absolutely divine and delicious! I am addicted to St. Dalfour’s tea Golden Mango for its delicate and subtle flavor. If you want to try green tea but worry about a lackluster flavor, then this is the product for you!
Nice Aroma, Tea lovers will like it.
Since I don’t really care for the taste of tea and only drink it for my health (green tea), I decided to try this after reading some reviews. It’s close to making a tea believer out of me! The aroma of mango is amazing, and preparing it as directed for standard flavor (steep only one minute; for stronger flavor steep for two) makes for a pleasantly mild tasting tea that I actually enjoy.
best St.Dalfour tea
I very like this tea. The best taste. Very natural
Denne teen smaker faktisk mango. Og er veldig god. Men følg bruksanvisningen, ikke la den trekke lengre enn max to minutter.
Tea is generally high in antioxidants, but green is highest.
A very nice organic green tea and at a decent price, equivalent teas are usually more expensive. Better than the Qi tea sold in Australian supermarkets which is the most comparable I’ve found for price and quality. It says not to leave the teabag in for more than a couple of minutes but it tastes fine after 5 if you like your tea strong, not bitter imo. Just bought two more.
Green tea with mango. Each pack individually packaged. Tea brewed uncharacteristically bright, saturated color to green tea. Thus strongly pronounced taste of mango no. Not to say that this is a favorite tea, but sometimes you want it to. Was acquired as a free sampler. But probably would not buy more unnecessarily this very uncommon to drink. // Зеленый чай со вкусом манго. Каждый пакетик индивидуально упакован. Чай заваривается нехарактерно ярким, насыщенным цветом для зеленого чая. При этом сильно выраженного вкуса манго нету. Не скажу что это чай любимый, но иногда хочется имеенно его. Был приобретен в качестве бесплатного пробника. Но наверно не купила бы больше, т.к этот очень уж редко пьётся.
… this tastes good. Not your ordinary green tea though, much smoother and “normal” than your average green teas usually. PS. Be sure to check my profile page for +180 reviews on iHerb products.
not much flavor… their jams are so flavor packed.. this tea was insipid.
Not my cup of tea.
I also ordered St. Dalfour, Organic, Strawberry Tea but I didn’t receive the product.
I only received the golden mango green tea.
I have sent email to iherb three times but they didn’t reply BACK !!
i brought this cos of all the review of how great it is. but i really dont like it. prefer the real green tea taste. so i guess its really depends on ur own taste.
Refreshing and good for health, this tea is gorgeous: smells with real green tea, and mango flavor is SO yummy! Both good without any sweetener and with honey. I received a sample packet with a couple of my orders, and now I suggest to order the full pack, because this tea is a real good option for everyday use. // Чай очень ароматный, пахнет манго и настоящим зеленым чаем. Пару раз получила пробники с заказами, и теперь постоянно заказываю полный вариант – это на самом деле классный выбор для начала дня.
I've got this product out of curiosity since I'm a big fun of their jams.
It turned to be a pleasant surprise! This is the best flavoured green tea ever! As Japanese I regularly drink green tea even while I had lived in a western country for years. I tried quite many of those flavoured teas there and unfortunately most of them having flavour and green tea taste killing each other. This product has nice fresh green tea taste and very lovely mango flavour. If the green tea part is too strong for you I recommend cold steep. Just put a sachet in a 500ml container and pour filtered water and leave it in room temp or fridge about two hours and you will be amazed. My mom really loves this tea and ordered herself because I hide rest of box to prevent she finishes it!
I usually like herbal tastes most and hate the fruit ones. But this one is so exclusive – perfect integration of green tea taste and just a light mango flavor. Not a strong or artificial taste.
We are tea drinkers…mostly green, all organic. This tea is one of our favorites…wonderful flavor…consistent excellent quality. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. St. Dalfour also makes a STRAWBERRY ROSE GREEN TEA…would love to see this at Iherb!!!
Delicately flavored. Very pleasant taste with only a hint of mango.
Don´t taste or smell like typical organic products.
I love the smell of this tea and was really looking forward to drinking it. But it caused my gastric to act up. I drank this after dinner. I have hyperacidity,but most green teas do not cause any reaction. This unfortunately did. I am apparently not the only one who feedback about this. So those who are prone to gastric, please do take note!
In fact, I already reordered…very tasty.
I’m not a big fan of green tea, but this is the best I have tried.
I am, however, extremely fond of mangos.
Great tasting good quality tea. I drink 6-10 cups of green tea a day, and have tried a lot of teas, but this is my favorite so far.
Virkelig god kvalitet og nydelig smak. Vanskelig å bli lei av.
This tea is very tasty. The flavor is nice and light but not bitter.
Delicious, strong mango flavor. Staple-free teabags.
Good, clean and fresh taste.
Очень вкусный чай для любителей зеленого чая с добавками. Аромат и привкус манго не химозные, а такие, как вот прям нужно. Для лета отличный вариант!

Very tasty tea for lovers of green tea with additives. The aroma and flavor of the mango is not chemical, but like that’s straight to. For summer is a great option!

I drink 4 teas a day and this one is my fav. I use it 2 or 3 times a day. As I said, I am addicted.
Un thé bien parfumé et délicieux avec une odeur naturelle de mangue
Lovely taste. My husband does not like this tea so much. I like and I will reorder. Great with honey. ♥
I enjoy this tea…mild yet flavorfull. I just have to remember to leave the tea bag in the hot water for no more than 3 min. otherwise the green tea causes it to be bitter.
En helt fantastisk mango smak. Smaker naturlig og mye mango. Denne kommer jeg helt klart til å kjøpe igjen og igjen. En klar favoritt hos meg.
I’m not mad about green tea because I always seem to experience a nasty, bitter aftertaste. This tea doesn’t have it though! If there’s one kind of tea that could “win” me back to green tea, it is this!
This is my favorite tea in the WHOLE world, such nice taste and wonderful smell.Recomend !!!
i love this tea ,
usually i drink’t in my relaxing time ,
the smell is soo good & warm ..
Hedelmäinen tee. HYän makuista.
This mango green tea has a subtle flavour and I like it. Most mango tea use black tea leaves so this is a bit unusual. It makes a refresh cuppa and is lovely for a zen feeling in the morning or afternoon. My mom liked it too so I have reordered 2 packets – one for her and one for me…makes a lovely gift for friends too.
If you like fruity and sweet teas – this is one for you. Plus; it’s green, which is good for your health and full of antioxidants!
No le encuentro el sabor a mango. Quizás sea un té afrutado, pero lo siento algo amargo. Pensé que sería por dejarlo demasiado tiempo, y dejándolo reposar sólo un minuto sigo notando el sabor amargo más que el mango.
No está mal de precio, pero hay tés mucho más ricos por la web.
Si te sirven mis reviews clicka en que te ayudó. Es un segundín ^^
Quality is good, however I just didn’t particularly like the mango taste. It smells really lovely though.
It’s my favourite St Dalfour green tea, but nothing great…
It has got more expensive since I first bought it some months ago.
I liked the tea, especially the fruity taste. It smells heaven too. The best part is its not bitter like other tea products, so I have it with no sugar.
I thought the mango flavour would be over powering but it’s not. You can still taste the green tea in the drink (so if you are looking for a substitute for green tea – this isn’t the one). Doesn’t matter if I leave it for a longer brewing period the intensity doesn’t get stronger. This would be good for someone just wanting something a little different from green tea. I won’t be repurchasing though :(
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