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iherb review |Alta Health, Magnesium Chloride, 100 Tablets

  • Expiration Date:

    Mar 2019

  • Shipping Weight:

    0.3 lbs (0.14 kg)

  • Product Code: AHP-00060
  • UPC Code: 076920000604
  • Package Quantity: 100 Tablets
  • Dimensions: 3.9 x 2.1 x 2.1 in, 0.25 lbs (0.11 kg)


  • Dietary Supplement

A simple form of magnesium that is readily absorbed. Magnesium is an essential nutrient that is inadequate in many American diets. Research has shown that magnesium is important in production of energy, and in the function and integrity of muscles, nerves, kidneys, bones, heart and arteries.

Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement, take 1 to 3 tablets daily.

Other Ingredients

Silicon dioxide, dicalcium phosphate, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, starch.

Free From: Sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, soy, colorings, flavorings or preservatives. No GMO. Gluten free.


Consult a Health Care professional before taking this product if you are a pregnant or lactating woman, currently under medical care or are taking prescription drugs.

Do not accept if seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dry place. Do not freeze.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 to 3 tablets
Servings Per Container: 1 Tablet
100 Servings
3 Tablets
33 Servings
Amount Per Serving 1 Tablet 3 Tablets % Daily Value
Magnesium Chloride 520 mg 1560 mg 15.54
Elemental Magnesium 62.17 mg 186.51 mg 46.62
† Daily Value not established

Customer reviews about the product:

I began taking this on my Doctor’s recommendation because of my insomnia. I’ve tried many RX meds for my insomnia but always had a rebound effect once they stopped working for me. In order to help with insomnia my Dr. says you need to take at least 800 mg, so I take 2 of these at night. They really help me relax. AND I’ve noticed that I do not flare as much from my Fibromyalgia as I did before taking this Mag. Chl. Also, it’s great for headaches, migraines, and Restless Leg Syndrome. Good luck to all who use it.
I live on this supplement! I am recovering from adrenal fatigue and need a lot of magnesium. This seems to be the only type my body absorbs easily. Additional perks are fewer menstral cramps and easier muscle recovery after strenuous exercise.
Most people do not know this but this product is needed for the bodies immune system to work properly!

thank God ALTA gets it out there to us

I recently read that you can sleep better and reduce hot flashes if you take magnesium chloride supplements. Since I’ve been waking up at night for a couple of hours at a time sweating like crazy, I gave it a try. I don’t remember to take the supplement everyday, but when I do, I definitely notice a decrease in hot flashes and I don’t wake up as much. The important thing is that it is chloride, because it is absorbed by your body easier. I take one pill a day later at night before I go to bed. I’m going to start taking 2-3 a day, as the RDA is much higher than what I’m doing right now.
My general health seems better. My nails are less brittle.

However this product is highly water sensitive – the tablets easily dissolve so must be kept in its air-tight container.

I wish I have known about the Magnesium Chloride years ago. I have been having very bad stomach ache. I’ve tried all of my Doctor’s products to no avail!
But the very 1st day I took Mag Ch tablets my stomach cramps and pain ”calmed down” I couldn’t believe it! I also have very good nights sleep ever since and no more cramps on my feet, no more stiff and aching upper back muscles…Very good products!
I love this product. It helps me tremendously with my insomnia. Please don’t ever stop selling it!!
i get restless at night at times. This really helps to calm me down.
The only Magnesium as Mag. Chloride that really works in the body and naturally benefits the mind in major ways… i have tried other forms of Mag. and this is the best. It does its work on a biological level in the body. And Mag. Amino Acid is second best.
This is a good quality magnesium supplement that you can feel immediately upon taking. Highly absorbable, also helps to clear infections in the body. Reduced a swollen lymph node I had under ear for a long time when nothing else worked. (low grade infection). Read about all the other things that magnesium chloride does for the body you will be amazed.
I have been using this product for a few years now, and I find it to be a highly absorbable form of magnesium. It has really helped me to keep my heart palpitations in check.
Magnesium chloride has been around for decades as it is probably the best form and definitely the most available for the body. However, prior to this brand, I could only find it in powder form which was quit difficult to swallow due to its bitterness.
I have tried this as well as magnesium citrate and malate but there is nothing like magnesium chloride. When I wander away to another form my left leg develops a deep tissue twitch and my back muscles actually burn. I take it on an empty stomach 3 times a day.
I bought this because I read somewhere that magnesium chloride helps dissolve gallstones. I’ve been living with gallbladder pain for over 4 years and tried EVERYTHING, but nothing helped with the pain as much as this has. I have no idea if it’s doing anything about the stones, but frankly, I don’t care at this point. I’m just happy to be out of constant pain. As an added bonus, I sleep more deeply, am more relaxed in general, and have not had as many problems with leg cramps and fibro. I love it! And, as always, shipping with IHerb is fast.
Highly absorbable form of magnesium, the down side is there is only 62mg of elemental magnesium in each 500mg tablet.
These tablets since I have been taking them at one per day for just over a year have completely stopped my leg cramps which I have periodically suffered from for most of the last 50 years of my life. I am now 65. To wake up in the middle of the night with excruciating leg cramp is agony, so I would never ever stop taking these. I first heard about them from an article in Nexus New Times bimonthly magazine over a year ago.
I read a small article about the advantage of using Magnesium Chloride for hot flashes. I wasn’t getting relief from the soy products off the shelf so I thought I might just give this idea a try. All I can say is that it is working for me. I am very thankful. I am sleeping through the night and not wanting to tear off my clothes through the day.
I was using a national brand of magnesium chloride sold in the chain drug stores until I read the ingredients list, then I switched to Alta Health – it does not contain phthlates like the national brand does.
If you’re looking for good mag, look no further. This is the stuff. Don’t buy anything with cheap magnesium oxide in it. I take 2 with my evening meal.
I read that this type of magnesium was a very good source for the body. I was already taking magnesium possibly in a higher dose than the tablet in Alta Health but I take it to stop heart arrhythmia (fast or irregular heartbeat) and it does work for this condition.
I have tried magnesium oxide which did nothing for me. Then I tried magnesium citrate and it was ‘ok’. I moved to magnesium glycinate and that is one of the best so far and after reading the reviews for this product I wanted to try it. I have to say, I put it up there with magnesium glycinate. I really feel this is helping heal my adrenals. The only ‘problem’ I have is they are not the easiest things to swallow- they are almost the size of a dime.
The best of all magnesium chloride I have tested before.
I had a lot of muscle pains and with this product I am walking two miles in 45 minutes every day. I regain my strenght again.
Bon produit, le magnesium sous forme chlorydrate est meilleurs que sous les autres formes.
A little hard to swallow, but great to take first thing in the morning or right before bed.
Unlike other magnesium which often cause stomach upset, this one is well tolerated.
iHerb delivers super fast too!
I noticed a difference in just a few days of taking this, better, more restful sleep. This is supposed to be an extremely useful form – So this gives me hope – And magnisium is essential for the health several organs, most especially, the heart and to keep it beating regularly. I suffer from palpatations from time to time, so am anxious to see if this will make the difference.
Take the tablets during the day, the liquid form at night. Liquid magnesium seems to relax you more, so I take this tablet form during the day
According to my research, Magnesium Chloride is one of the more easily absorbed forms of Magnesium. I’m sure the product itself is fine. However, I cannot recommend this particular execution of the product as it quickly absorbs moisture and the tablet begins to fall apart. Like some other reviewers, I put the tablet in a pill case along with my other supplements for travel purposes. The tablet not only begins to disintegrate quickly, but it causes a ‘melting’ of any liquid capsule that it is in contact with. It did not fully melt through the liquid cap, but it caused enough surface melting to make a gooey mess of my supplements. Even straight out of the bottle, I found it a bit hard to swallow due to the nature of the tablet.
Finally a form of magnesium that dont cause loose bowels, will be sticking to this one from now on.
Based on taking it once this product is AMAZING.
My anxiety-prone and arrhythmic heart calmed down quite a lot about a half hour after two tablets with a glass of water.
No stomach upset –
I will update as I get more experience.

THANKS to the Alta Company!

This is an excellent way to bone up on your mag. I love the higher potency dose and it’s very easily assimilated. Just don’t leave a tablet out for very long as it will pull moisture out of the air and get soggy. It’s just the nature of the chloride. Please keep stocking this i-herb! Thanks for the great service!
My body assimilates this better than other types of magnesium.
My Dr has recommended that I take extra magnesium since I am an O blood type. She specifically said to take magnesium chloride and this is the only one in tablet form that I have found at iHerb. I do feel better when taking it. The liquid form can also be used on your skin. Wonderful product. Wish the tabs were smaller though.
The best magnesium chloride or any other form i have used. Takes all my muscle cramps away and the nerve pain that i have from contacting lyme disease over a year ago. Without the magnesium chloride i have a difficult time sitting for long periods of time. Excellant product.
These are large flat round tablets which may be tricky for some people to swallow – I prefer the longer tablets since I am not the best pill swallower. I have since switched to Magnesium Aspartate with Taurine as my choice of magnesium. Thanks for the great service, IHerb!
Did not work as a laxative. Have not seen any other benefits so far. Probably works fine as far as a magnesium supplement but didn’t see benefits that I was expecting.
I put several days of vitamins and supplements in a container for easy usuage. The Magnesium Chloride started to dissolve while in the container.
I purchased this based on the positive recommendations of others. Over 70& of the population is said to be magnesium deficient–something I have taken to heart in ordering this.
Because this is easily absorbed, it’s a good choice.
I can’t say I’ve noticed a huge change in the few weeks I’ve taken it. I do trust that as my magnesium deficiencies are restored, I will increasingly notice a difference–including having more energy naturally.
I think the product is very good and effective. I know that the taste is nasty, but it is a little price for a great health. Thanks.
You are one of the few sites that offers this product. I was very satisfied with your prompt service, and hope to purchase more products in the future.
I take it when I’m stressed or tired at work, and it’s such a great help. It relaxes me and soothes my nervous system. Problems at work become manageable, and I have better humor about everything. I feel more “in the flow of life”. Strongly, strongly recommended!
A hard to find product at a great price
I have used AH Magnesium Chloride from quite some time, so know about it’s essentialness for me. Ordering from another company and receiving in a hugely over-sized box caused environmental concerns that caused me to look for another source and I found you, so appreciate the difference as well as quick service. I will continue to order that as well as other supplemental needs from iHerb. Much Mahalo!
it is excellent product. from starting day onwards i have been getting good sleep, this means the bio availability of magnesium in this product is high.
I was taking lots of ibuprofen for my joints for a long years. I got an ulcer, went to see a doctor and stop the pills. I start with one bottle and reorder a pair of them because they work really good after one week.
found it really great for improving my sleep and made me feel quite relaxed. Very happy with this product.
these worked great just so big felt like I was taking a horse tablet
magensium really helped me with my cramps. I take I gram a day. because I also take Michael-s-Naturopathic-Minerals which got 500 mg of magnesium, I only take one of these.
I can’t take 3 tabs a day, it causes diarrhea in me. I take 1-2 daily seems to work, feel calmer, sleep better.
I had been using a spray magnesium purchased on line via my thyroid group, and I just could not handle the stickiness of it or the residual yuck feeling on my skin…plus it burned. I found this, the same type of magnesium in the spray. My only complaint is that when I pack up my vitamins to haul off to work where I down them during lunch, I have to pack these separately as they will melt out if not.
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