iherb review|best iherb voucher code for Aura Cacia, Organics, Skin Care Oil, Nuturing Sweet Almond, 4 fl oz (118 ml) review|rms beauty oil

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iherb review |Aura Cacia, Organics, Skin Care Oil, Nuturing Sweet Almond, 4 fl oz (118 ml)

  • Expiration Date:

    Jan 2020

  • Shipping Weight:

    0.35 lbs (0.16 kg)

  • Product Code: AUR-90607
  • UPC Code: 051381906078
  • Package Quantity: 4 fl oz (118 ml)
  • Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.5 x 4.6 in, 0.3 lbs (0.14 kg)


  • USDA Organic
  • 100% Pure Botanical Ingredients
  • Not Tested on Aminals
  • No Synthetic Ingredients
  • Paraben and Petroleum Free

Sweet almond oil has a rich, skin-nurturing consistency that provides a nice glide during massage. It is excellent for bath and after-shower applications, and for general skin care.

Benefits: Nurturing, softening, nourishing, protecting

Suggested Use

Use as desired for massage or skin care. Combine 1 to 2 drops of aura cacia essential oils per teaspoon of skin care oil for added benefits.

Other Ingredients

Organic prunus amygdalus dulcis (sweet almond ) oil.


Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place.

For external use only.

Customer reviews about the product:

iherb review in English

Got this for a face moisturizer but I believe it started clogging my pores even though I heard it doesn’t but great moisturizer none the less.
I like the fact that it’s organic but i cant stand the smell.
I love this oil, it is very light. I add my essential oils like peppermint, sage, rosemary, argan oil to it and use on my hair and scalp.My hair feels soft and healthy.
very good!! Will definetely buy again and again!
and no spills during delivery.
Good quality base oil and the best bottle design to keep clean everywhere, you need to try ^.^
Fluid, light, sweet, my skin is soft and hydrated properly.
I use it on my baby skin, very moisturizing indeed, love the organic!
Use it on my nailbands
For one it’s quite thick and oily and doesn’t absorb by my skin as well. More importantly the smell, though not unpleasant, doesn’t work well when mixed with essential oil. So not a great combination for the extensive essential oils like pure jasmine!
Makes my skin softer and its all natural! Great product and will buy again in the future

iherb review in Japanese


iherb review in Korean

클렌징 오일에 넣어서 쓰고 있어요..좋아요..
아이들의 아토피와 제 악건성 피부를 위해 구매하였습니다.
일단, 제조년월일, 유통기한이 없어 참 불안하네요.
그래도 믿고 구매하였으나, 오래된 쪄든 기름냄새가 좀 납니다.
아이들은 고소한 향이라고 하긴하는데, 제 개코에는 오래된 기름 냄새이네요.

가끔 저녁에 세수하고 물기가 있는 상태에서 오일만 얼굴에 바르고 자는데, 기름지지 않고 좋네요.
아직 많이 사용해보진 않았으니 뭐라 말하긴 좀 그러나, 악건성/아토피에 효과가 확~ 있지는 않네요. 꾸준히 오래 사용해봐야 할 것 같습니다.

iherb review in Russian

Очень нравится. Оно легкое, его использую для тела и волос. Впитывается быстро, почти не оставляет блеска. Можно даже днем наносить, только не много. Олично увлажняет и питает. В следующий раз буду брать в большой бутылочке.
Масло высокого качества, удобный дозатор, запах практически отсутствует. Но само масло мне не подошло. Кожа лица совсем не хочет его впитывать, оно просто лежит жирным слоем. Оставила для массажных смесей для тела. P.S.: кожа лица сухая.

iherb review in Chinese


iherb review in Arabic

زيت ممتاز للبشرة والشعر وليس له رائحة
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