iherb review |Cococare, 100% Natural Castor Oil, 4 fl oz (118 ml)

Shipping Weight:
0.35 lbs (0.16 kg)
Shipping WeightThe Shipping Weight includes the product, protective packaging material and the actual shipping box. In addition, the Shipping Weight may be adjusted for the Dimensional Weight (e.g. length, width & height) of a package. It is important to note that certain types of products (e.g. glass containers, liquids, fragile, refrigerated or ice packed) will often require protective packaging material. As such, these products will reflect a higher Shipping Weight compared to the unprotected product. - Product Code: COC-09400
- UPC Code: 075707094003
- Package Quantity: 4 fl oz (118 ml)
- Dimensions: 1.3 x 2.1 x 5.3 in, 0.3 lbs (0.14 kg)
- 100% Natural
- Pale Pressed To Ensure Natural Qualities
Natural hair & skin conditioner.
Suggested Use
To condition hair, massage into scalp before shampooing. To soften and smooth skin, apply and massage on skin. For therapeutic conditioning, warm oil and apply.
Other Ingredients
Ricinus communis (castor) seed oil.
For external use only.
Customer reviews about the product:
iherb review in English
Un peu gras, mais il fait très bien son travail
I make a mask once a week and i see a changement in my hair !!
Un must à avoir dans sa salle de bain. Huile qui convient aussi bien pour la peau, les cheveux, les cils que pour les ongles. Celle de cococare ne déroge pas à la règle : huile visqueuse mais tellement efficace. De plus, elle me rappelle celle que l’on fait en Guadeloupe. Je la recommande à tous !
Completed for the hair of my man
I bought a small jar at my pharmacy and it was super expensive – 25g for 5€!!!! But I loved how it made my eyebrows and lashes thicker. I used it until I finish it and I decided to give this one a try! It works just as well. I apply it every night with a clean eyelash brush (or pencil? idw) over my eyebrows and eyelashes, and in a couple of weeks you’ll see the difference. Even my mother realized my eyelashes were thicker! Sometimes I also dip my fingertips into it and rub it into my scalp (making it warmer) to make my hair grow faster, then wash it and you’ll notice that too.
es 100% versatil, para pelo, para rostro, para cuerpo…… me encanta para mezclar con mi tinte de pelo.
I mainly use this Castor oil to prepare an eyelash serum, very happy with the quality of this oil and the results.
This oil is thick and perfect! I’ve been using it on my eyebrows to help with hair growth and for now I’m really happy. It has also helped with my under-eyebrow dry patches. Really moisturizing, and helps with hair growth.
Buenísimo para hacer las pestañas fuertes e hidratadas y que no se caiga
Super, great for hair masks!
Like the bottle, oil doesn’t spill everywhere. I put this in my hair and wash it out with shampoo, gives lovely shine. I also use this on my lashes, want bigger ones!
Es diferente a cualquier otro aceite que he probado: jojoba, aguacate… Viscoso a temperatura ambiente, no endurece. Lo uso para las pestañas y también para enriquecer alguna hidratante corporal que se me quede corta de hidratación.
I basically use it for my eyelashes and there are times that the oil will seep into the eyes. It’s not as painful and it gets the job done. I have tried a few brands and this is the best.
I love the thickness of it and I use it on my hair that’s the reason I bought it hair, item came on time without damage if you haven’t tried iherb go ahead and try you will love the shopping experience.
This is a very smooth n lovely oil, am 100% satisfied with it.
Ordered a castor oil before and didn’t like the thickness of it,
this is perfect to use and easy to handle! ordered for skin use and it doesn’t dissapoint
this is perfect to use and easy to handle! ordered for skin use and it doesn’t dissapoint
Un aceite muy denso, con unas gotas es suficiente. Creo que me durará años.
I use this for oil cleansing on my face, mixed with a bit of argan oil. Its very thick and viscous, and does an excellent job of removing my makeup but keeping my skin soft.
muy bueno
I have not seen the results of using
I have not very dense eyebrows. This does work but it is a slow progress. For me it is worth it. Only the packaging is not really good and I have to keep the bottle in a little bag…
haven’t tried a lot bc of think liquid.
but seems fine after applying it on elbow and knee
but seems fine after applying it on elbow and knee
Did not use it much, but the oil is great.
iherb review in Spanish
Es el aceite de ricino de toda la vida tenía algunas calvas en las cejas y siendo constante con el aceite las tengo perfectas las pestañas me han crecido un montón es perfecto y durara años que viene muchisimooo
Buen aceite para el cuidado de uñas, fortalecimiento de uñas y pestañas.
Para las uñas quebrazidas y que se abren va genial!
Se puede utilizar para el crecimiento pestañas con un algodón, para las cejas, para el cabello, para la piel, para las uñas… Si se utiliza para el pelo hay que tener un champú fuerte para eliminarlo bien, ya que es un aceite tremendamente espeso y cuesta limpiarlo.
Lo utilizo para fortalecer pestañas y aunque no noto que estas crezcan más, si que las noto más fuertes y no se me caen como antes.
Lo uso para que me crezca el pelo en las cejar
Hay que ser contante con el
Hay que ser contante con el
iherb review in Korean
일단, 엄청 끈적거리는 오일이에요;;;
이거 바르고나면 모든 먼지 다 얼굴에 묻어나요 ㅠㅠ
그리고, 엄청 뻑뻑해서, 바르기도 힘들다는..
게다가 향은;;; 모슨, 참기름? 이런 종류의 향인데, 엄청 거슬리는 향입니다.
무슨효과가 좋은지도 모르겠고,
흡수되는것도 아니고,
물엿발라놓은것같고, 지우려고해도 세정도 잘 안되네요;;;
전 절대 재구매 의사 없습니다.
낚였네요 ㅠㅠ
이거 바르고나면 모든 먼지 다 얼굴에 묻어나요 ㅠㅠ
그리고, 엄청 뻑뻑해서, 바르기도 힘들다는..
게다가 향은;;; 모슨, 참기름? 이런 종류의 향인데, 엄청 거슬리는 향입니다.
무슨효과가 좋은지도 모르겠고,
흡수되는것도 아니고,
물엿발라놓은것같고, 지우려고해도 세정도 잘 안되네요;;;
전 절대 재구매 의사 없습니다.
낚였네요 ㅠㅠ
iherb review in Russian
вымыла футлярчик из-под туши кипятком,залила туда это масло и по вечерам смазываю ресницы по чуть- чуть для роста и питания.РЕКОМЕНДУЮ.
Хорошее вязкое, укрывистое маслице. Пробовала наносить на уставшие после зимы сухие ручки, отлично увлажняет, но стоит подождать, чтобы оно впиталось в кожу.
Пробовала использовать на волосы. В маски пошло хорошо, но вот чтобы нанести на кончики после мытья и ходить – для меня нет. Запах остается на волосах и сохраняется довольно долго. А в смываемые маски отлично!
Бутылочка для меня удобная, хороший дозатор.
Пробовала использовать на волосы. В маски пошло хорошо, но вот чтобы нанести на кончики после мытья и ходить – для меня нет. Запах остается на волосах и сохраняется довольно долго. А в смываемые маски отлично!
Бутылочка для меня удобная, хороший дозатор.
Масло очень достойное,брала ребенку мазать корочки на голове,намазала,походили часок и моем голову,корочки прошли и волосы поперли как на дрожжах!Сама пользуюсь им как питание для ресниц и бровей,мне очень нравится!
iherb review in Arabic
100% طبيعي , يستخدم للقضاء على تساقط الشعر
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