iherb review|best iherb voucher code for Dr. Singha’s, Mustard Rub, 4 fl oz (118.4 ml) review|castor oil bath

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iherb review |Dr. Singha’s, Mustard Rub, 4 fl oz (118.4 ml)

  • Shipping Weight:

    0.84 lbs (0.38 kg)

  • Product Code: DSG-44444
  • UPC Code: 798412444443
  • Package Quantity: 4 fl oz (118.4 ml)
  • Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.8 x 4.5 in, 0.5 lbs (0.23 kg)


  • Relaxing • Purifying • Energizing
  • Original Ayurvedic herbal formula with Essential Oils of Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram, Thyme, Sandalwood and Mustard Seed
  • Derived from Ancient Ayurvedic and Tibetan Discipline

Mustard…The Ancient Remedy

The Mustard Rub is a wonderfully aromatic blend of essential & carrier oils which assist in eliminating impurities, relaxing and toning muscles, soothing nerves and increasing cell resonance. Its invigorating warmth penetrates deeply into the skin. Enjoy the sense of equilibrium and well-being it brings.

Dr. Shyam Singha, well-known Master Acupuncturist, Osteopath, Naturopath and Ayurvedic Physician, recommended massage using his Mustard Rub for all aches, pains, closed trauma sites and to assist in the elimination of acid waste from the body.

Suggested Use

Use after a Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath, a sauna or a plain old hot bath! Massage the oil well into your body. When used as a therapeutic massage, take a hot shower followed by a cold one 20-30 minutes after the session. Great for foot massage. A few drops may also be added to your bath.

This product is for Massage Therapists, Chiropractors and all Lovers of Touch.


For external use only. Keep out of children’s reach. Avoid contact with eyes.

Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Certified organic oils of sunflower and mustard seeds, sweet almond oil, pure grade essential oils of lavender, rosemary, marjoram, thyme, sandalwood and mustard seed with live-source vitamin E.

Customer reviews about the product:

iherb review in English

There was no ‘guess-work’ involved in my ordering this product. I have used it in the past, but could no longer find it in a retail shop, so I decided to order on-line. Thank you for having this product available – – it really does work,, and I can get back to my yard-work.
I am so excited to see that iHerb has this Mustard Rub. It helps give some relief when one’s chest is congested. Spray it on your chest before going to bed. Be sure to put paper towels or a wash cloth over it to keep clothes from getting greasy. It is like a grandma’s old-fashioned remedy to help soothe chest congestion.
So natural herbal oil. Very nice blend of herbs, not sweet, not strong, just right. Great after bath, it helps to relax even more. Would defiteley buy again.
Please feel free to click “yes” if you find my review helpful for you. Best wishes
the stiffness of my neck and shoulder very often leads to tension headache, it works every time I massage some along my neck, shoulder and temple. After a sleep by the next morning, my headache is gone and feels better.
I rubbed this on my husband’s achy shoulder, arm, and shoulder blades and he felt much better the next morning and was able to move around again.
Smells good and it works.
Relieves tension and pain in my shoulders well.
I was ill when I purchased this and it worked wonders for my chest cold. It absorbs well and smells nice.
I have lupus and I use this after taking the mustard bath when I have extra aches and pains. In the morning my pains are gone. Yay!
Love the aroma, love how warming it is when rub on my aching shoulders. Simple love it.
Speedy delivery too.

iherb review in Japanese


iherb review in Russian

Запах интересный, мне показался лавр, запах такой..мужской, хорошо разогревает, в связи с чем, при случайном попадании на половые органы, при занятии сексом подарил новые яркие ощущения …буду покупать еще!
Душистое масло, если продует шею, сразу намазываю – хорошо согревает и лечит.
в целом хорошее масло но без разогревающего эффекта, Использовала его во время массажа плеч и шеи, несмотря на 20 минутные втирания массажисткой эффекта разогрева ноль :(( Для массажа подходит , не тяжелое, не липкое и запах не приторный, но стойкий. после массажа часа 2 его на себе ощущала, кто то в отзывах писал что можно в ванну и тогда эффект есть, Попробую и откомментирую. Если опять ничего брать не буду потому что покупала в основном из-за горчицы в составе
Куда только не наносила это масло, и на больную спину, и на уставшие ступни ног, эффект нулевой, даже запах у него не яркий и не стойкий!(((
Разогревающего эффекта не заметила! Масло конечно приятное, но заявленных свойств не имеет.

iherb review in Chinese

没什么效果 还不如泰国的精油!
Want to know more the product? Now go to buy it and enjoy your life!

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