iherb review|best iherb voucher code for Life Flo Health, Pure Grapeseed Oil, 16 fl oz (473 ml) review|rms beauty oil

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iherb review |Life Flo Health, Pure Grapeseed Oil, 16 fl oz (473 ml)

  • Expiration Date:

    Apr 2018

  • Shipping Weight:

    1.24 lbs (0.56 kg)

  • Product Code: LFH-48097
  • UPC Code: 645951480978
  • Package Quantity: 16 fl oz (473 ml)
  • Dimensions: 2.4 x 2.4 x 8.1 in, 1.05 lbs (0.48 kg)


  • Natural Living
  • Cold Pressed
  • Organically Grown
  • First Choice
  • Skin Care

Pure Grapeseed Oil is truly a versatile oil with numerous benefits form culinary to cosmetics. It’s rich in essential fatty acids including Linoleic, Oleic, Stearic, Palmitic, Myristic and Lauric, is esteemed for its emollient properties and is suitable for all skin types. A light oil that helps nourish, tighten and tone the skin without clogging pores or causing breakouts. Cold pressed and food grade.

Suggested Use

For personal care, it can be applied to the skin as desired for general face and body care. As a natural moisturizer, apply oil directly to skin or use as a base for lotions, creams or massage oils.

Other Ingredients

Vitis vinifera (grape) seed oil (99.5%), tocopherol (vitamin E) (antioxidant to preserve the freshness of the oil).


Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. If irritation, redness or discomfort occurs, discontinue use and consult a licensed heath care practitioner. Store tightly sealed in a cool dry place.

 No animal were used to test this product.

Customer reviews about the product:

iherb review in English

This is a huge bottle and it’s been like 1 to 2 months and it’s barely moving and I use this everyday for my face. After a week of using this with Jojoba oil in the morning and this at night, I can see the changes in my face. My face looks more glow-y and brighter. I just loveee how it makes me feel. If anybody has not tried this, please do. It beats putting other gunks on your face.
I love this product, I have very dry skin but I am also prone to break-outs, I use this product on my face & skin daily. Only need a little at a time thou, it goes a long ways.
I use this to remove my makeup in the evening.
It removes is so well! It’s incredible!
The eye makeup just goes away instantly and the face makeup too. I love it! It has a slight smell to it. But not a bad one. This will last forever too so it’s an amazing product! Love it!
Saw chef Robert Irvine cooking with grapeseed oil for chicken beef or fish….Dr. Blaylock says NOT to use canola or vegetable oil because of omega 6, and also recommends cooking with grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil doesnt have a flavor so it lets your food do its own thing. Never cook with olive oil on a temp higher than 300, or it becomes toxic when too hot.
After hearing grapeseed oil can work as a heat protectant, I decided to purchase this product. This is a great product. I use it on my hair (justa dot of it can smooth out frizz and flyaways) and skin. It also smells pretty good. I gave it 4 stars because the item wasnt sealed with any tape or carried in any ziplock bag and some contents leaked through the box.
First time I have tested the grapeseed oil from Oljarna Pecaric
Then I ordered Pure Grapeseed oil on iHerb
I am not competent to assess the quality of oil
but per my taste I found the Pecaric’ oil far more tasty, though it was much more expensive as well.
If anyone can suggest more palatable Grapeseed Oil on iHerb site I will appreciate kind advice.
I get all of my oils from Life Flo because they do a great job quality wise
This is the least greasy oil ive used on my skin. Love it
i used it to nourish my skin, and it is pretty good. I live in HK, and i use it during the summer when i want sth to moisturize my skin after bath :)
I made a body scrub with sea salt and this oil for my mom- she liked it a lot, said the skin is moisturized and soft afterwards! No need for body cream.
Makes your skin so soft. I tried it in hair but I must have put too much in because it was oily. You only need a small amount and next time I will do better on that. This is a lovely oil though and I am glad I got it. I am anxious to try argan oil next.
love this product. It is very
Definitely worth purchasing! Better price than the supermarkets.
When me and my mother tried this for a couple of meals she told me this is the one, what can i say a mother knows best.
Love this oil.
La he usado para desmaquillarme, como hidratante corporal y para cocinar. Me gusta porque es un aceite que no me resulta tan pringoso como el aceite de oliva, no es tan denso y cunde más. Lo único que cambiaría es el tapón del envase, pero el producto me gusta
on time delivery
I will use it in the summer on my legs…so he can not ruin my clothes.
worst service , have ordered one and hav not yet reached to my address even after months, waste of money and time

iherb review in Spanish

Este tipo de aceites son mis hidratantes corporales favoritos, los uso en la ducha, me lo aplico por el cuerpo y despues me seco a golpecitos y se me queda la piel super hidratada, comoda y nada pegajosa. Voy variando de aceite pero todos me encantan, se lo recomiendo a todo el mundo que tenga la piel seca porque merece mucho la pena y encima es natural ya que no lleva derivados del petroleo como las hidratantes corporales de los supermercados…
Utilizo aceites por que son mas naturales que cualquier crema,sin quimicos. Lo uso tras la ducha y me deja la piel muy hidratada,lo convino con el de coco y el envase de gran tamaño compensa.

iherb review in Korean

예상컨데 나우푸드 포도씨유는 헥산-프리 라고 안 적혀 있어서
(그런 제품은 그렇다고적혀있는데 반해) 훨씬 건강하고 안전해보이는 요 제품으로 선택.
냉압착에 오가닉컬리 그로운.
어찌나 신선한지 포도 특유의 기분좋은 풀내음도 살짝 난달까?
This is so fresh that you can smell it, literally! It is hexane-free and cold pressed, best quality oil you can get here. Also it is organically grown. Best grapeseed oil ever.
촉촉하고 오일특성상 미끄덩코팅이되는데요
겨울에 한없이 건조한 저의 팔다리에 조금씩발라주면 피부가 맨들맨들촉촉해지네요
너무좋아요 아 냄새는 별로좋지않지만 거의 무취에가깝습니다
가벼운 느낌은 아니구요
보습은 좋아요
저렴하고 계속 구매할 것 같아요
아주 가볍고 묽어서 끈적이지않고 부들부들해요
에센셜오일 섞어주면 향기도 좋은 훌륭한 바디오일이 됩니다

iherb review in Russian

Хорошее масло. Без запаха, поэтому я добавила туда несколько капель различных эфирных масел – получился тонкий приятный аромат! Использую вместо крема после душа, как добавку к маске для волос. Результат замечательный!И объем большой.
Пользуюсь маслом виноградной косточки несколько лет, использую с массажем и в качестве крема для тела. Текстура масла лёгкая, впитывается быстро, жирных следов не оставляет. Сглаживает растяжки за короткое время, даже если масло рафинированное. Заказала этот вариант в надежде что в этом масле(холодного отжима) будет больше антиоксидантов.
Вещь Ссуперская , использую маски для волос!!!!
Понравилось масло. Очень жирное масло в сравнении с другими.
Покупала продукт для массажа тела. Масло жидковато, соответственно, расход не такой уж экономичный. В этом плане более надежными будут масла от Now Foods. Масло почти не имеет запаха, со своими обязанностями справляется хорошо. Защитная мембрана под крышкой болталась “на соплях”, поэтому повезло, что при транспортировке масло не растеклось. Если Вам нужно недорогое хорошее масло для добавления в маски для волос, лица, для массажа тела, то покупайте лучше его, оно лучше, чем то, которое продается у нас в магазинах, но, повторюсь, по качеству, насыщенности и густоте мне больше нравится от Now Foods
Масло ничем впечатлить не успело, тк прогоркло за считанные недели, хоть и содержит витамин Е :/
Очень качественное масло .
Кожа после него супер

iherb review in Arabic

منتج ممتاز
جميعها جميله جداً مالها ريحه نفاثه استخدمت زيت الخروع و الجلسرين و الجوجوبا و الافوكادو وبذور العنب خلطت من كل نوع مقدار فنجال قهو وضعتها في علبه و بنفس الكميه ذوبت زبدة الشيا من ناو و خلطتها مع الزيوت اتعب اقول حلوه استفدت منها مره عطتني اشراقه لبشرة جسمي و نعومه جميله انصح بها
راح اكرر التعليق للاستفاده
Want to know more the product? Now go to buy it and enjoy your life!

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