iherb buyers you should know this first-time customer discount is expired on iherb

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If you are a member of iherb.com , you must know the policy: if you are new to iherb.com , you can get 10% discount for your first order. That is really a big coupon for everyone. At the same time ,you can get 10% loyalty rewards. It means Your first order can save 20% at least ! Because of this attractive policy and iherb good service , iherb.com has a big improvement on its scale. 

 first-time customer discount is expired

But now , on 2017 , the policy is removed . There is no first-time customer discount : 10% for first order. The 10% rewards is still ok. Some people may think that’s really a bad news. But i don’t think so . First , the 10% discount is just for your first order. On average level , i just buy about $40  for one order(because over $40 , you can get free shipping).

The past policy just save you $4 at the just first time! I have buy many supplements on iherb.com , so it is a very small lose for me. So don’t mind the small piece. You can get 10% loyalty rewards all the time ! Remember all the time !! You can also get the extra deal coupon . So put my blog address in your bookmarks ,  My blog post the deal coupon in time.

At the start of the new year 2017 , there are some deals on iherb.com , below is the collection i  make for you :

Natural Remedies Special – 15% off Select Brands

 first-time customer discount is expired iherb

Detox Time ! – 15% Off

Detox Time iherb coupon


Sports Special – New Lower Prices!

Sports Special - New Lower Prices!  IHERB COUPON

Sports Special - New Lower Prices!  IHERB promo



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